What are the different reading options for ebooks on my library's OverDrive website?
Here are the different reading options that may be available on your library's OverDrive website when you borrow an ebook:
OverDrive Read
- Read in your browser. No software or downloads are required to read OverDrive Read ebooks.
- Reading progress and bookmarks are stored in the cloud, so you can always pick up where you left off on any device.
- Most ebooks automatically adjust to fit your screen, but some have a fixed layout (set by the publisher) to better display graphic-heavy ebooks.
- Some ebooks (called OverDrive Read-along ebooks) come with professional narration.
- OverDrive Read has a lot of options to customize your reading experience.
- Learn more about getting started with OverDrive Read.
- You can download EPUB ebooks using Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) on a computer and optionally transfer them to compatible ereaders.
- There are two types of EPUB ebooks: Adobe and Open EPUB.
- Adobe EPUB
- Adobe EPUB ebooks are protected by Adobe's digital rights management (DRM) system. You'll need to authorize ADE on your computer before reading them.
- Open EPUB
- Open EPUB ebooks aren't protected by Adobe's DRM system. This means you don't need to authorize your computer before reading them.
- Open EPUBs can be downloaded to any reading app (like iBooks or Play Books) in addition to Adobe Digital Editions.
- Adobe EPUB
- EPUB ebooks automatically adjust to fit your screen. You can change display options like the font size, number of columns, and more.
- You can download PDF titles using Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) on a computer.
- There are two types of PDF ebooks: Adobe and Open PDF.
- Adobe PDF
- Adobe PDFs are protected by Adobe's DRM system. You'll need to authorize ADE on your computer before reading them.
- Open PDF
- Open PDFs aren't protected by Adobe's DRM system. This means you don't need to authorize your computer before reading them.
- Open PDFs can be opened in your device's web browser (like Chrome or Safari) or in a PDF-compatible reading app.
- Adobe PDF
- PDFs have a fixed layout, so they don't automatically adjust to fit your screen, and you can't change display options like font size. However, you can zoom in on pages or graphics.
- PDFs are often used for graphic novels, illustrated ebooks, textbooks, and other titles with specific layouts.
Kindle Books
- You can read Kindle Books on most Kindle devices or the Kindle reading app.
- Kindle Books are only available to borrow from U.S. libraries and schools.
- They work just like any other Kindle Book from Amazon, but they expire at the end of your lending period like any library ebook.
- Learn how to borrow Kindle Books from your library (U.S. only).
MediaDo Reader
- Read in your browser. No software or downloads are required to read MediaDo Reader ebooks.
- MediaDo Reader is designed to display graphic novels and content that reads right-to-left or top-to-bottom.
- Reading progress and bookmarks are saved in your current browser.
- These ebooks have a static layout with set page breaks, so you can zoom in and out of pages or graphics.
- Learn more about MediaDo Reader's features.

- Getting started with OverDrive Read
- How to read in your browser with OverDrive Read
- How to read Open EPUB or Open PDF ebooks on a computer
- How to use MediaDo Reader
- How to use the dictionary, highlight text, and add notes when reading in your browser
- What are fixed-layout titles?
- What devices and browsers work with OverDrive Read and OverDrive Listen?
- What is a read-along ebook and how does it work?