How to read in your browser with OverDrive Read
With OverDrive Read, you can read borrowed ebooks and magazines right in your web browser with a single click. There are no downloads or software required; all you need is a compatible web browser.

- Click or tap the right or left edges of the ebook or magazine to turn the pages.
- Click or tap and hold a word to define it, make a note, or highlight some text.
Note: These features aren't available for magazines and some ebooks, like read-alongs, picture books, and graphic novels. - Click or tap the center of the screen to show the navigation bar and timeline, which you can use to move backward or forward in the ebook or magazine. You'll also see chapter breaks, bookmarks, and highlights here.
- On the timeline:
- Click or tap Table Of Contents to show the table of contents.
- In an ebook, click or tap the number on the left or right side of the chapter name to skip to the beginning of the current or next chapter.
- In a read-along, click or tap the Play/Pause button to start the narration.
- In a magazine, click or tap
to read an article on the current page. While reading an article:
- Click or tap
(at the bottom of the screen) to skip to the previous or next article.
- Click or tap
(at the bottom of the screen) to see all of the articles available in the magazine issue.
- Click or tap

On a larger device, these options appear in the navigation bar (at the top of the screen) by default. On a smaller screen, tap the center of the screen first to make these options appear.
- Click or tap
to place a bookmark. On a smaller screen, you can also tap the top-right corner of the screen while reading to place a bookmark.
- Click or tap
to switch between a one-page and two-page display.
- Click or tap
to zoom into the current page (available for magazines and some ebooks, like read-alongs, picture books, and graphic novels only).
- Click or tap
to adjust the appearance settings for the book, including:
- Text scale: Use the slider to change the size of the text. For a wider range of text sizes, toggle Include accessibility sizes on.
Note: This setting isn't available for some ebooks, like read-alongs, picture books, and graphic novels. - Lighting: Choose Bright (black text on a white background), Sepia (dark reddish-brown text on a tan background), or Dark (white text on a black background).
- (Ebooks only) Book design: Choose a preset design, or select Custom to change the font, justification, line spacing, and text weight.
Note: This setting isn't available for some ebooks, like read-alongs, picture books, and graphic novels. - (Magazines only) Magazine navigator: Choose how pages appear in the timeline, with a preview or without.
- (Magazines only) Article button: Choose when the read-the-article button appears in a magazine.
- Text scale: Use the slider to change the size of the text. For a wider range of text sizes, toggle Include accessibility sizes on.
- Click or tap
to search for a word or phrase in the book.
- Click or tap
to see your saved bookmarks, notes, and highlights.

- Getting started with OverDrive Read
- How to read in your browser with OverDrive Read
- How to read Open EPUB or Open PDF ebooks on a computer
- How to use MediaDo Reader
- How to use the dictionary, highlight text, and add notes when reading in your browser
- What are fixed-layout titles?
- What are the different reading options for ebooks on my library's OverDrive website?
- What devices and browsers work with OverDrive Read and OverDrive Listen?
- What is a read-along ebook and how does it work?