How to download OverDrive ebooks on your PocketBook ereader

You can download OverDrive ebooks from your library using the browser on your PocketBook ereader.

Note: Because load times in the PocketBook browser can be slow, we recommend that you borrow books using the Libby app on a compatible device or using your library's OverDrive website on a computer. Then, follow the steps below to download borrowed books on your PocketBook.

  1. Make sure your PocketBook is connected to the internet.
  2. Open your PocketBook's web browser and go to your library's OverDrive website (find it at, if needed).
  3. Sign into your library's OverDrive website with your library card (find the Sign in button under , if needed).
  4. Borrow a book from your library's collection, or visit your Loans page (under Loans icon) to see books you've already borrowed.
  5. Tap Download for the borrowed book.
  6. If prompted, enter a free Adobe ID to complete the download.
    Note: If you want to download the same ebook on multiple devices, you need to enter the same Adobe ID on each device. You can check which Adobe ID you're using on your PocketBook under Settings > Accounts > sync > Adobe DRM (or similar).

Once downloaded, the book will appear in your PocketBook library. It will automatically be returned to the library on its due date.

Last Updated: 14 January 2025 12:00 PM