Borrowing available holds on a Kobo
If you place a hold from your Kobo, you'll get a notification on your Kobo when the title is available and have 72 hours to borrow it. See steps for borrowing available holds in the "View books that are on hold" section of Kobo's help article.
Note: If you're not ready to borrow the hold, you'll need to use your library's OverDrive website or the Libby app to deliver your hold later.

- How many books can I borrow and place on hold at the same time?
- How to borrow an available hold
- How to borrow OverDrive ebooks on your Kobo ereader
- How to change your email address for hold notifications
- How to place a hold
- How to remove a hold
- How to suspend a hold
- Managing available holds with deliver later
- Where are my holds?
- Why do I need to wait for a copy of a digital title?