How to borrow OverDrive ebooks on your Kobo ereader
With OverDrive on a compatible Kobo device, you can borrow free ebooks from your public library right from your Kobo. Follow the steps on Kobo's help site to get started.
Note: If you're using an older Kobo ereader, like an earlier Kobo Aura, Touch 2.0, or Glo, you'll need to transfer library ebooks from a computer using Adobe Digital Editions.
For more information, or if you need more help with OverDrive on your Kobo, please visit Kobo's help site.

- Borrowing available holds on a Kobo
- Borrowing Kindle Books from your library's OverDrive website
- Borrowing titles from your library's OverDrive website
- Can I borrow titles from other libraries?
- How many books can I borrow and place on hold at the same time?
- How to borrow an available hold
- How to borrow OverDrive ebooks on your Kobo ereader
- How to change your lending period for digital titles
- How to find and borrow older issues of a magazine
- How to find titles you have checked out
- How to get a library card
- How to renew Kindle Books from your library
- Renewing titles or requesting them again
- What time do titles expire on the last day of my loan?