How to listen in your browser with OverDrive Listen
With OverDrive Listen, you can listen to borrowed audiobooks right in your web browser with a single click. There are no downloads or software required; all you need is a compatible web browser.

- Click or tap the Play/Pause button to start or stop the audiobook.
- Use the skip buttons to jump forward or backward by 15 seconds.
- Click or tap Table Of Contents to show the table of contents.
- Click or tap the number to the right or left of the chapter name to skip to the next chapter or restart the current one.
- Use the timeline to scroll through an audiobook. You'll also see chapter breaks, bookmarks, and highlights here.

In the navigation bar, you can:
- Click or tap
to adjust your playback speed.
- Click or tap
to set a sleep timer.
- Click or tap
to add a bookmark.
- Hold
while the audiobook is playing to highlight a passage.
- After placing a bookmark or highlighting, select
again to make a note, choose a highlighter color, or delete the bookmark or highlight.
- Click or tap
to see your saved bookmarks, notes, and highlights.