"Device Deauthorized" error in OverDrive for iOS

Here's the full error text: Device Deauthorized: This device is not authorized to read eBooks.

You'll see this error when you try to download an ebook on your iOS device (iPhone/iPad/iPod touch), but your device isn't authorized to read ebooks.

Here are the steps to resolve it:

  1. Tap the icon in the top-left corner to open the Home menu.
  2. Tap Settings.
  3. Tap Adobe ID.
  4. Tap Authorize, then tap:
    • Yes to automatically use the same account you signed in with (most likely your OverDrive account).
    • No to manually authorize with an Adobe ID instead.
  5. If you see a "Device Limit" error, you'll have to unlink a device from your OverDrive account. Then, try steps 1-4 again.

Note: You may also want to consider trying the Libby app to enjoy digital titles from your library. Libby doesn't require authorization, so you won't run into this problem there, and your current OverDrive loans will be waiting for you in Libby when you sign in with your library card.

Last Updated: 08 December 2023 09:15 AM