Not enough storage space to download a title in OverDrive for Android

If you don't have enough space to download a title on your Android device, try our suggestions below.

Try Libby

In the Libby app, you can adjust your download settings so that your device streams borrowed titles instead of downloading them. Your current OverDrive loans will be waiting for you in Libby when you sign in with your library card.

Remove some unused or unwanted apps

You can remove unused or unwanted apps by going to your device Settings, then going to App Management or Apps.

From there, tap an app to find the option to uninstall or delete it.

Delete or transfer photos and videos

Pictures and videos take up a lot of space on your device. You may want to consider deleting some, or transferring them to a computer, storage device, or cloud storage service.

Download individual audiobook parts

If you borrowed an audiobook, you might be able to download individual parts instead of the whole book:

  1. Open the OverDrive app.
  2. Tap the icon in the top-left corner to open the Home menu, then tap Files.
  3. Tap the audiobook part(s) you want to download, then select Download or Download all.

Change the storage location for future downloads

Though you can't change the storage location for titles already on your app bookshelf (whether or not they're downloaded), you might be able to change the location for new downloads to avoid this error in the future. To change the storage location:

  1. Open the OverDrive app.
  2. Tap the icon in the top-left corner to open the Home menu, then tap Settings.
  3. Update the Save downloaded titles to... setting to whatever has the most available space.
Last Updated: 08 December 2023 09:15 AM