How to resume downloading an audiobook in the OverDrive app

The OverDrive app has limited availability. If you can't use the OverDrive app, we encourage you to try our newer reading app, Libby. Get started with Libby on Android, iOS, Fire tablets, or in your browser.

If you've already downloaded some parts of an audiobook to your app Bookshelf, you can continue downloading it from the OverDrive app (mobile or desktop). There's no need to go to your library's digital collection to download additional audiobook parts. Use the steps below to download the rest of the audiobook to your app Bookshelf.

OverDrive for Fire tablets, Android, Chromebook, and iOS

  1. Open the OverDrive app.
  2. Click or tap the icon in the top-left corner to open the Home menu. Then, select Files.
  3. Click or tap the audiobook parts you want to download, then select Download, or select Download all.

OverDrive for Windows 8/10

  1. Open the OverDrive app.
  2. From the app Bookshelf, select the audiobook you'd like to resume downloading.
  3. Scroll to the right side of the audiobook player, right-click on (or tap and hold) a part you want to download, and select Download.

OverDrive for Windows (desktop)

  1. Open OverDrive's desktop app.
  2. Click the audiobook you'd like to resume downloading.
  3. Click Download from the menu bar.
  4. Select the parts you wish to download and click OK.
Last Updated: 10 January 2024 01:03 PM