"CE_COPY_NOT_ALLOWED - No permission to copy the book" error in Adobe Digital Editions

To resolve this error, follow the steps below to deauthorize your device in Adobe Digital Editions (ADE), then download and transfer the ebook again. Your device will be reauthorized automatically during the transfer.

  1. Connect your device to your computer, then open ADE.
  2. Delete the ebook from ADE, but don't return it to your library.
  3. Deauthorize your device.
  4. Close ADE.
  5. Search your computer for the ebook and delete any copies you find. Ebooks are usually saved in [My] Documents > [My] Digital Editions.
  6. If applicable, delete the contents of the "tasks" and "failed" folders in [My] Documents > [My] Digital Editions > restore.
  7. Delete your temporary internet files.
  8. Close and reopen your web browser.
  9. Re-download the ebook from your library's digital collection and try transferring it to your device again.

If you continue to have problems with ADE, see this article for more troubleshooting options.

Last Updated: 09 May 2024 01:20 PM