How to adjust playback speed using the OverDrive app

The OverDrive app has limited availability. If you can't use the OverDrive app, we encourage you to try our newer reading app, Libby. Get started with Libby on Android, iOS, Fire tablets, or in your browser.

Use the steps below to adjust the playback speed for an audiobook in OverDrive for Fire tablets, Android, Chromebook, iOS (iPhone/iPad/iPod touch), or Windows 8/10.

  1. Tap a downloaded audiobook on your app bookshelf.
  2. Tap the speedometer icon (speedometer icon in OverDrive for iOS).
  3. Select a playback speed.

If you're using OverDrive for Windows (desktop), see our help article about using that audiobook player instead.

Last Updated: 10 January 2024 01:03 PM